...if they're single, they're probably chronic masturbaters
You got to keep your pimp hand strong, can't let it slack.
seinfeld fans - remember the episode where george is so desperate to get fired by the yankees that he does all these things to defy the boss and still keeps his job?.
well, i have been going through the same thing at the kh.
i havent been to a thursday meeting in weeks, i am getting like 2 hours of field circus a month (just mailing it in while my fade progresses) i dont comment, most people know that i would rather not be there, etc...... so i go last night since it is the co visit, and my wife really wanted me to come.
...if they're single, they're probably chronic masturbaters
You got to keep your pimp hand strong, can't let it slack.
called to let me know that she had it out with a jw relative about her nasty attitude.
my dear auntie was so worked up that she said to the jw, "not one jw i've ever known is happy!".
it's not as funny in written form as it was to hear her exclaiming this over the phone.
Which relative? Last time I heard your mother was not talking to her, but there are so many more to choose to be angry at.
putting this out there.....going back 12months ago i was completely different to how i am now.
i am still loyal to jah and dont go against the scriptures, but even though ive recently returned to pioneering (only aux pio at present) i see im a little more laid back.. i think this has come through having to endure hell and back without any help, except jehovah, which im not complaining, im so glad his been there for me, for us both.
but i really believe that due to things that have badly and wrongly been allowed to take place etc its moulded me a little different to how i was.
Wow, six pages of witnessing. I bet she can count six hours of field service, one hour a page. Calculating RV's will take a little more time, so now up to seven hours of field service. She can get her quota easily with all of you posters encouraging her/him to keep posting rediculous, stupid little comments that doesn't do anyone any good.
i realize i'm a bit quiet here, and most if not all won't remember my story, so here is a brief synopsis.
i recently decided that i'd rather pursue life rather than a future life promised but not realized.
i was fortunate enough that my husband agreed in that he didn't want any man telling him what he had to do, or how to live, and so left with me.
One chapter of your life is over, a bad chapter to be left behind. A new chapter is ahead, and you can make it as happy a chapter as you dare. Literally the world is at your family's feet. Go as far as YOU want, there is no way for them to control you, to shame you, to harass you; unless you give them the chance.
Find out about eachother, past dreams, past hobbies or interests that you always wanted to explore but never had the time because of service, meetings, conventions, ect... or just learn to relax and not think of where you should be and what you should be doing. It is your time, your life, do with it what YOU wish for the first time. IT WILL BE A BLAST! You will learn things about yourself and your husband and children that you never knew. Things that they were never capable of when in a mind controlling cult.
That was my experience anyway. I do what I want, even do charity work at times and go on motorcycle drives for at risk children, kids in hospitals, and any fund my girl friend finds interesting. It is so wonderful to be able to spend YOUR time how you want. You can take a vacation and not have to spend three days of it being brain washed at a convention. We went to Las Vegas for a week, and to Myrtle Beach for a week, and know what? Never saw a kingdum hall the whole time.
Sorry if I praddled away, but you can find yourself like a kid in a candy shop, enjoy! Don't waste your time worring about little things anymore. BE YOU! I wish you all the best, and keep us updated.
so, i'm 30-something and have been a lifelong jw, born and raised.
(yeah, i know double points against me on the social scale!).
i'm on my way out (and moving at a fast pace with that, lol) and um, am now realizing that outside of the kingdom hall, i am a bit of a social retard!
In order to have a friend, you have to be a friend.
Exactly what my first thought was jamiebowers. What would you like your best friend to be like? When you can answer that, that is how you treat others that you would like as a friend. Kind of like the "treat others as you would want to be treated" the WT preached constantly but never practiced.
this jdub was out walking his two dogs when attacked by a pit bull, killing one of his dogs and causing injuries to his hand.
he was from texas and now lives in melbourne.
he comes from a very well known us jw family (uncles, grandparents in brooklyn, other uncles c/o & d/o, w/t life story of family...).
All pit bulls are not bad, or mean. I've known several people that own them, and they could not be more loving to their owners or visitors. On the other hand, I have seen some that are vicious, just like many other breeds of dogs. You can not say ALL pits are bad, just as you can not say that all whites, jews, blacks, asians, ect are bad. There is always an exception any time anyone says that all of anything is bad.
having explained/pointed out the doctrinal flip flops to some jw's i know i was astonished to find that they just brushed it all aside, on one occasion they seemed to just tune me out and quit listening.
the gb really do have them whipped, it makes me wonder what it would take for them to sit up and realise what a insane religon they are in?!
and in the meantime how much can the gb get away with because of the blind faith of their followers?
1) Sports - they already have boxing, skydiving, etc....why not add more? They could point out the "violence" and "win at all costs" mentality, the "patriotism" of the World Cup and Olympics, etc......
I had an elder tell me that a JW would not ride a motorcycle. That never slowed down my riding a bit, as a matter of fact, I rode down his driveway and turned around in front of his house the same day I bought my brand new bike. He wasn't home, but his JW neighbors quickly filled him in.
ok, im putting my neck on the line here but ive always believed that children should be raised to make their own choice, if to serve jah or not.. i wasnt ever forced to believe in anything, any religion etc, although my background is very complicated.. anyway, hubby and i have always thought that how can a child decide if they dont know what other things are, ie birthday partys, halloween etc.
so, our children are allowed to choose if to go places etc.
last year our little boy said he didnt want to go to a halloween party, this year he said he might.
If she is so free to do all these things she claims, why would she not post her real name, where she lives, and what cong she goes to. I'm sure many would make the trip to see this loving and tolerant cong that she speaks so highly of. I agree with others who already said that most of what she says is BULLSHIT.
if time is infinite, how can we be alive now?
wouldnt everything that can happen have happened already?
given an infinite amount of time, wouldnt the sun have burned out and the universe reached the ultimate state of entropy?
Watching too many Star Trek reruns are ya???
if time is infinite, how can we be alive now?
wouldnt everything that can happen have happened already?
given an infinite amount of time, wouldnt the sun have burned out and the universe reached the ultimate state of entropy?